"I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new Presidency work"--that's a great thought from an Obama staffer, or maybe even from an American citizen, but journalists aren't supposed to talk like that.
The Cable Gamer is pleased to see that the increasingly independent The Huffington Post is calling 'em as it sees 'em. And that means calling out the increasingly grotesque Obama-alotry of MSNBC. Here's Chris Matthews in action:
Chris Matthews appeared on "Morning Joe" Thursday morning, and in the context of discussing the Obama transition — and Rahm Emanuel's motives for waffling on the chief of staff position — told Joe Scarborough it is not his job to question Emanuel's motives.
"You know what?" Matthews said. "I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new Presidency work."
Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski pressed Matthews on his claim, asking if it his his job as a journalist to make the Presidency work.
"Yeah, that's my job. My job is to help this country...to make this work succsesfully, because this country needs a successful Presidency, more than anything right now," Matthews said.
"As Americans, Chris Matthews, we are all rooting for the success of Barack Obama," Scarborough said. "America is at a perilous time. But you just talked about being a journalist, and your job as a journalist is not to question motives. Then, two seconds later, you said your job was to make this Presidency a success. That's curious."
Later, Scarborough said, "We all wish [Obama] well, we just don't think it's our job to make this work anymore than it was a journalist's job to make the Iraq War have a successful launch."
As TCG has noted previously, it looks like the fix is in for GE Capital to get its piece of the $700 billion bailout, so why is Matthews sucking up so hard? Saying things like, "I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new Presidency work"? Ah yes, there's the Pennsylvania Senate seat, currently held by Republican Arlen Specter, that Matthews is reportedly eyeing.
Or who knows--maybe Matthews just loves Obama. Then the question is, where are the editorial standards at MSNBC? Sorry, had to ask.