The Cable Gamer has always wondered what Keith Olbermann would do if his main man, Barack Obama, were to win the presidency. I mean, Olbermann's whole schtick is to attack people. When Republicans George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were riding high, it was obvious who liberal Democrat Olby would go after. In addition, for the past year or so, KO has been KO-ing rivals to fellow Democrat Obama for the White House--first Hillary Rodham Clinton, and then, of course, John McCain and Sarah Palin. And of course, Olbermann has always slapped around Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, et al.
But now what? And now who? TCG has wondered, in the past, if Olbermann would turn on Obama. And maybe he will--it's hard for anyone, even The One, to live up to Keith's exacting standards.
But for now, Olbermann is going to turn his guns on CNN, as The Huffington Post (see screen grab above) noted this morning:
Olbermann chided Brown for mistakenly claiming that the last time the same party controlled the White House, the Senate and the House was under Jimmy Carter.
"The talking point got out enough that the anchor of another news broadcast at this hour reported yesterday that last time it happened it," — and here Olbermann turned on his Brown impression — "didn't go so well, and people who have been worried about the possibility of one party controlling the White House and Congress. 'The last president to do that, of course, was Jimmy Carter.' Swing and a miss. Her colleague tried to correct her. 'Bill Clinton.' Swing and another miss. Correct answer: George W. Bush, that current guy. Early 2001 and again from 2003-2006."
Now it must be said that Olbermann is right here, about Brown. She is an airhead. Pretty, of course, but dumb. She has been told to "speak out" more, but that means reading a script that's put in front of her--she is only as smart as her talking points, and that leaves her vulnerable to staff errors and weak when it comes to ad libs.
But of course, Olbermann doesn't want to be just right, he wants to be righteous. And so it was fun for him to defend Obama and attack someone else.
So we can expect him to overkill on Brown, just as he does on everything else. But will he be able to contain himself when it comes to Obama? Will he really be able to go for four, or even eight, years of Obama without blowing a gasket? Do watched pots ever boil?