Jossip opens up MSNBC's bleeding wound a little bit wider.
And the nastiest comments about Chris Matthews' windmill-tilting seem to be coming from the Left. Here's Democratic strategist-author David Sirota, writing in The Huffington Post:
The sense of entitlement that this blowhard personifies is truly stunning…It's a cynical insult to Pennsylvania voters - as if none of the state's 12 million residents are qualified for the Senate, as if those 12 million poor souls need the Great Chris Matthews to swoop in from his mansion in Washington, D.C. to save them. What a joke. Let's hope Matthews does run and the Democratic primary makes him the punchline.
Which is to say, Matthews could have a tough--maybe impossible--time in the Democratic primary, to say nothing of the general election against the Republican nominee.
Unfortunately for Chris, as Politico's Michael Calderone has noted earlier this week, if he choose to stay at MSNBC, he will have to take a huge pay cut. He'd still be making millions, of course, but his ego might not permit it. But then, Matthews' ego has always been his problem.