The always valuable TV Newser tells us FBN's Liz Claman is getting an exclusive with Warren Buffett tomorrow night.
Which reminds me: Miz Liz of the Biz is keeping bizzy. The Cable Gamer knows, of course, that Claman has a big following on the Net, in particular, Google Images, but she is getting a lot of more traditional journalistic attention and doing a lot of serious journalistic work.
For example, she was was profiled in The Bergen Record, did a Q&A for a Northern New Jersey magazine, and was also named a contributing editor at The Los Angeles Times' L.A. Magazine, where she interviewed Magic Johnson for a cover story.
And finally, this revealing piece, which appeared in the Beacon-Journal, in Akron, OH, of all places, which was very entertaining--one imagines that Claman felt a little more unguarded chatting with a paper outside of the NYC pressure cooker:
On starting out in the news business:
“I had to kick, scratch, and bite for every opportunity,” she [Claman] says.
On moving to FBN:
“They play to win,” she said, “They are gutsy…they never say ‘why?’ They say ‘why not?’ “
On the newness of FBN:
''We're never settled in. That's when you run into trouble. We're shuckin' and jivin' and moving and zigging and zagging. I don't sleep. I lie in bed thinking about the next thing we can do.''
"Shuckin' and jivin'"? "I lie in bed thinking about the next thing we can do"? Yikes! Watch out, Mr. Buffett!