Did you ever notice how for a while, all TV anchors would cross their arms for their promos, all the while looking purposefully into the camera? Sometimes the Mad Men wannabes who do these promotions would add a little slow-mo video, just to give the otherwise Mt. Rushmore-like pictures a little bid of life.
It was a silly idea, masked by the utmost faux-seriousness. And of course, the folded-arms look was ripe for parody.
Enter the great Jon Stewart. He and his gang at "The Daily Show," started doing the same thing, mocking it all the way. And so while there are still plenty of media folk still crossing their arms, we at least know to burst out laughing--or at least utter a chuckle--when we see it.
Now comes CNBC, with its "I Am CNBC" campaign, or, as it appears in your browser window, iam.cnbc.com--take a look!
All this self-importance--more actually proclaimed portentousness--is, once again, ripe for parody. That's your cue, Jon Stewart!
But interestingly, in yet another sign that the Cable Biz News Wars are heating up, Fox Business News is already doing its own parody: Liz Claman, having some fun at CNBC's expense.
A few killjoys don't approve of La Liz's spot, but where's their sense of fun? The whole point is to get media talking heads to take themselves less seriously. They are, after all, just little tiny people living in a little tiny box.
And print critics--well what are they?
In the meantime, we will just hafta wait till Stewart does the ultimate takeout on CNBC's.Silly.Promo.Series.