That's what people tend to say to me when I'm having the "what do you do" conversation. I try to smile thinly and explain that, no, what I do all day mostly involves writing news articles, listening to conference calls, looking at stocks and interviewing people.
It's the big stories that really make it fun, though, and over at Gamasutra this morning I've rounded up the ten biggest controversies of the year, most of which I enjoyed (sometimes perversely) covering so much that I'd almost have rather been doing that than playing. Almost!
Anyway, check it out -- it's probably the only time I'll ever get to type "Senior Super Douche" in a Gamasutra piece. Then, what do you say we reflect a little bit in the comments? What news items provoked the most reaction from you this year, and what do you think they'll mean for next year?
Also, do keep an eye on Ben Fritz's Cut Scene blog over at Variety. Ben asked me and my fellow Variety reviewers, Tom Chick and Chris Dahlen -- who also happen to be two of my most-favorite game critics full-stop -- to join him in rounding up our personal top 10 games of the year, and note which we considered the most disappointing and the most overrated, too. Our tenth-bests are already up, and it looks like Cut Scene will be counting our lists down over time, so stay tuned!