TV Newser caught Chris Matthews as he crossed the line from commentary to propaganda, as he told Keith Olbermann, "Let's talk straight here: This is the network that has opened its heart to change. To change and its possibilities."
But wait! Matthews wasn't just talking about thrills running up his own leg, he was talking about a thrill running up the proverbial leg of the whole MSNBC network.
The Cable Gamer wonders if Phil Griffin will disavow Matthews--or, more likely, give him a raise.
One commenter on TVN was inspired to recall a late-night TV joke:
Reminds me of the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog-joke, where he said "There was this one beautiful moment on MSNBC during the coverage...when Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann climaxed at the same time".
But for her part, TCG thinks back to Madonna, and her song from the 80s, "Open Your Heart." Feel free to change these lyrics to fit Matthews and his infatuation:
Open your heart to me, baby
I'll hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darlin'
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key
Most likely, the love affair between MSNBC and Barack Obama will end in tears, just as it did for Madonna and Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie. But I give these new lovebirds at least a couple of years.