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Neal Cavuto on Tea Parties

Written By mista sense on Friday, April 24, 2009 | 1:53 PM

Interesting interview with Neal Cavuto in Capitol Weekly, a Sacramento-based publication focusing on California politics. Cavuto, of course, went out there for the Sacto rally, where Malcolm Maclachlan caught up with him.

Here's part of the Q & A. Note that Cavuto's answer shares plenty of blame with the previous Bush administration, which, after all, started the whole bailout process.

Why do you think these protests were so big?

I’m not sure. But I think they predate a lot of that, going back to last fall, a completely different administration. It was the financial rescue for the banks and the brokerage houses that got a lot of people, of all political persuasions, thinking about the wisdom of what was at the time a seven or eight hundred billion dollar financial rescue. People asked of a Republican president, as they do now of a Democratic president, how are we going to pay for this? It festered like a wound back then, and it boiled over to a gaping wound now.

I think there is angst about how we are going to pay for all of this, and it built day by day, bailout by bailout, amid the reality that in blackjack terms, we were doubling down and tripling down on the deficit and the debt to see if something sticks here. It might work, it might not work, but clearly, given the number of protestors and the sheer number of protests throughout all 50 states and virtually all major cities, there was something clearly registering.

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