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Maybe Sometimes Make It Easy Take Your Time

Written By mista sense on Sunday, May 24, 2009 | 10:50 AM

How are you all this peaceful long weekend? Summer's funny -- one minute it seems ages away, and then suddenly, there it is. At least, that's the case here in New York and in surrounding New England where the seasons tend to be abrupt and schizophrenic.

I'm continuing to catch up on some of the things I would've linked, asked, discussed and shared with everyone here at SVGL had I had more time over the past couple weeks -- in that spirit, I should've linked this like ages ago, but I was invited to be on a podcast earlier in the month by the nice dudes of First Wall Rebate.

Man, ever since that famous episode of Rock Paper Shotgun's podcast, everyone seems to want me to be drinking when I join them on podcasts. So I complied for these guys -- especially since they were so nice about me needing to reschedule on them about a billion times. However, the result was a super enjoyable chat on some surprisingly deep topics -- in their words, "the impact of social networking technologies on game development and coverage, authorial control and community involvement, as well as Twitter and N’Gai Croal’s WordFu score."

Definitely give it a listen if you're up for some mellow Sunday mulling, because those guys were sharp tacks and good people. Hopefully you're off work tomorrow, spending time close with family, possibly beer (if you are of legal age, of course) and ideally, meats of various types that have been cooked outdoors over charcoal.

By the way, I hear really good things about the Infamous (uh, inFAMOUS?) demo from some friends and I mean to check it out -- anyone tried it?

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