Poor Tamron Hall. The MSNBC anchor seems pleasant enough, and she even has some spunk in her interview style. But she was obviously under orders from MSNBC management to shill for the dopey "reality" show, "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!", and so she did, interviewing former NBA-er John Salley and Patti Blagojevich, wife of disgraced ex-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who is not allowed to leave the country on account of being indicted.
And MSNBC, of course, was under orders from an increasingly desperate NBC management to do everything it could to pump up NBC's 4th-place sked--news values be damned. And so MSNBC and Tamron did as they was told.
The result was an embarrassing five minutes of non-news news, live from Costa Rica, captured, of course, by TV Newser.
So now we know what MSNBC really stands for--Mostly Shilling for NBC.
PS: Patti, pictured above, is obviously something of a character--she has lots of attitude. If they ever do another version of "The Sopranos," she could play herself.