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Uncle Sam Gets Into The Cable Game, But the Nieces and Nephews--That Is, The American People--Don't Like It

Written By mista sense on Friday, May 22, 2009 | 4:12 PM

So the Obama White House has created its own in-house propaganda unit. Whatsamatta, the MSM was insufficiently worshipful? As The Cable Gamer has noted several times, the White House press corps' servility only encourages the arrogance of the Obama White House. So Robert Gibbs mocks Chuck Todd, Barack Obama mocks the entire White House Correspondents Association, and now the White House has set up a rival network.

According to this poll on PR Newser, folks don't like it--are against it, in fact, by a 4:1 margin--but of course, that won't stop the Obamans.

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