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Bringing in Conan O'Brien Was Jeff Zucker's "D'oh!" Moment (One of Many, Come To Think Of It)

Written By mista sense on Friday, June 26, 2009 | 4:45 PM

Is it just me, or was NBC chief Jeff Zucker separated at birth from Homer Simpson?

Nikki Finke has the details on one of the great boneheaded plays of network history--how, in a Homer-like misjudgment, NBC threw away its super-valuable "Tonight Show" franchise:

It's clear right now that Dave's Late Show is topping Conan's Tonight Show in audience size. This is the first time Dave has done this to The Tonight Show in a full week of original broadcasts since 2005, and that has to worry NBC Universal Jeff Zucker, whose decision it was to rotate out Leno and rotate in Conan.

Definitely a "D'oh!" moment for NBC and the long-suffering shareholders of GE. The next shoe to drop, of course, will be the exit of Ben Silverman, and then perhaps a shuffle at NBC News.

(Thanks again, Bob Wright, for getting GE into the media biz!)

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