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Obey Olby

Written By mista sense on Saturday, June 27, 2009 | 7:10 AM

What happens when a spontaneous protest movement congeals into rigid and stern orthodoxy? Obviously a lot of hearts get broken. Obviously a lot of skulls get crushed.

The street artist Shepard Fairey has made a big splash in recent years, not only with his iconic Obama "Hope" poster, but because of his "Obey Giant" series of posters, tee shirts and other graphics. For a while there, it seemed as if Fairey had captured the anti-Bush/Cheney mood. And one result was the 2006 and 2008 elections, which went badly for the Republican Party.

OK, fine.

But who's the giant now? And who's stomping on hope? The Democrats are in charge now, and they can pass whatever they want--a stimulus package, an idiotic cap & trade legislation. Although, of course, not everyone inside the Obama movement is still happy. Newsbusters' Mitchell Blatt posted a great item on Friday, detailing how the far left has turned against their onetime hero, Keith Olbermann. Why? Because the far left has soured on Obama, mostly over his continuation of Bush-era policies on detention and surveillance, but also over rising unemployment and general fatigue over bailouts and boondoggles for billionaires.

And so now the left is turning against Obama's tax-funded ideological enforcers, such as Olbermann.

So what will Olby do, if he is not obeyed? Stay tuned!

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