Megan Garber, writing for The Columbia Journalism Review, sums up her view of the White House attack on Fox, below. As she says, the White House is letting "the pettiness of partisanship" get in the way of good governance:
If the White House were truly, then, as it seems to be suggesting, to exempt itself from its unifying role—if it were to continue along on its Fox-o-phobic path—it would be doing a grave disservice not only to the huge swath of Americans who watch Fox News, but also to Americans more generally. It would reinforce informational divides, rather than narrow them. It would implicitly reject the notion of an American community itself, abandoning the promise of togetherness that electrified so many on election night in favor of the pettiness of partisanship. It would choose prose, as it were, over the country’s great potential for poetry.
The Cable Gamer wonders: Is it possible that Rahm Emanuel might have had anything to do with this intemperate attack? TCG is no political expert, but she always wondered how long someone with such a legendarily bad temper could last in such an important job as White House chief of staff. Something tells me that "Rahmbo" will be doing something else after the 2010 midterms.