The Cable Gamer has always like Aaron Barnhart of the Kansas City Star; he was a pioneer blogger, and is a hard worker to this day. And if he was a little too cozy with MSNBC, well, let's just say that that's a reason why he fits in with the MSM.
But even so, I was surprised to see this headline in The Huffington Post, "Fox News PR Never Sent Aaron Barnhart 'Glenn Beck Raising Fears' E-Mail That He Tweeted About." If Huffpo's Danny Shea is correct--and he sure seems to be--then we can conclude that Barnhart might have told a fib. And it would also seem as though Keith Olbermann, on MSNBC's "Countdown," fell for it, too.
Barnhart touted--Tweeted, more precisely--receiving a provocative e-mail from Fox News p.r., touting an upcoming Glenn Beck show, but there's a problem: Fox denies that any such e-mail was sent, and Huffpo's Shea seems to accept Fox's word.
Barnhart, of course, could always prove that he received the e-mail by producing the e-mail, but he hasn't done so.
Now what does that tell you?