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"A Fox Chief at the Pinnacle of Media and Politics"

Written By mista sense on Friday, January 8, 2010 | 9:05 PM

"A Fox Chief at the Pinnacle of Media and Politics"--that's the headline in The New York Times article by David Carr and Tim Arango.

It's a glowing piece, but of course, Fox News is glowing right now. Indeed, the channel is white-hot. As Carr and Arango put it, "Fox News is believed to make more money than CNN, MSNBC and the evening newscasts of NBC, ABC and CBS combined. The division is on track to achieve $700 million in operating profit this year, according to analyst estimates."

As an admiring rival, CNN Analyst David Gergen, observed: "Regardless of whether you like what he is doing, Roger Ailes is one of the most creative talents of his generation. He has built a media empire that is capable of driving the conversation, and, at times, the political process."

And a remarkable quote from another CNN-er, James Carville:

If he were a Democrat, I think there would be 67 Democratic senators right now. In terms of the news business, the cable television business, and the political business, there is him and then there is everybody else.

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