Gawker reports on the final--well, maybe not final, but close to it--act of self-immolation from Rachel Marsden, once a frequent guest on Fox News, and a somewhat prominent Canadian conservative.
It seems that Marsden, who, according to reports, had various meltdowns and finally had to be escorted off the Fox News HQ property in New York City, has moved to Paris and has now written a novel, entitled, The Voice of America. Which she is shopping around. But to what end? Nobody is going to buy it--the only people who will read it are Gawker-type gossips, and they'll get their copy for free.
So why write it? Reading the excerpt provided by Gawker, The Cable Gamer can see that Marsden is obviously an angry and nasty-tongued woman, eager to spit venom in every direction--against the French, but also against the Republican Party, which she refers to as "dipshits." And so if she weren't trashing Fox, and conservatives, she'd be trashing professors, ex-boyfriends, and so on. And on and on.
Nice. Mr. and Mrs. Marsden must be so proud. Although TCG wouldn't be surprised if one side or another had changed their name, out of either anger, or self-defense.