I return to the year-end Gamer's Confab at the Brainy Gamer, where we discuss our personal faves of 2009 (guess what mine was). Anyway, listen to the podcast, and keep tuned to Michael Abbott's site for the rest of the year-end confabs, always a treat. I was also on TV to yap about Modern Warfare 2, which was funny/odd.
Over the holiday, Gamasutra presented its Best of 2009 -- from companies and developers to games in every category and industry events. We'd like to think this is your definitive year-end compendium. Or, you could just skip directly to our GOTYs and be done with it. We also presented a top 12 games of the decade, as voted by our readers entirely!
Done? Done! Onto 2010. I'm now putting together at Gamasutra a list of some of the biggest major releases of the coming year; here's a list of the bigger Xbox 360/PS3 releases, and here are the portables. Which ones are you most looking forward to?
I've only just gotten back and I've already got all these links to throw at you, sigh. Pray I get on top of things soon -- happy new year!