Tyler Durden* of Zero Hedge praises Charlie Gasparino, who gets yet another scoop in the case of Erin Callan, the ex-Lehman CFO, who is now, apparently, the ex-Credit Suisse CFO. But not a word on it from CNBC. As Durden puts it, "Absent Rick Santelli (and on occasion David Faber), the network does not have a single person worth unmuting the TV for"; Durden adds that Fox and Bloomberg are "waiting to pounce" on more such stories.
One might ask: What's wrong with CNBC? After all, it still has the largest audience, so presumably, leakers would like to leak to it, to get the biggest bang for their leak. But perhaps there's another factor, working against scoops for CNBC. Maybe CNBC is afraid of leaks and scoops, because, inevitably, they will offend someone. Maybe CNBC, being ahead, is falling on the ball, not wanting to offend anyone. Or maybe it's worse than that: Maybe CNBC is so tight with its advertisers--Todd Thomson tight we might say, right Maria Bartiromo?--that it doesn't want to offend anyone who might take out an ad.
*The Cable Gamer admires the work of "Tyler Durden," and has cited it in the past, but she only belatedly discovered that "Tyler Durden" is the name of the Brad Pitt character in the 1999 movie "Fight Club," which The Cable Gamer, who abhors movie violence, had never seen--and never will see. So Tyler, you have a right to have a pseudonym, but how 'bout something nicer, like, say, "Strawberry Shortcake."