So Donny Deutsch, richkid playboy who has schmoozed--or perhaps bought--his way onto MSNBC, called Florida Senate candidate Marco Rubio a "coconut" MSNBC last night. That's a word with a racially charged second meaning--referring to someone who is supposedly brown on the outside, but white on the inside. In this usage, it's a nasty term, and a nasty concept. And if Sean Hannity had said such a word, there would be protestors with bullhorns outside of Fox HQ by now, and boycotts mounting across the country. But since Deutsch claims to be a Democrat--although Punk is his true ideology--he gets a pass from the MSM.
And of course, if Hannity--or anyone at Fox News--had said it, Keith Olbermann, champion of racial justice and diversity that he is (sic, see previous post), would have devoted a whole ten-minute rant to the subject. But since Deutsch was his usual oafish self on MSNBC, Olby will keep quiet.
Hat Tip to Newsbusters' Scott Whitlock, for breaking the story, and thanks also to Michelle Malkin--herself a Filipina--for additional commentary.