A blogger who calls herself Broliath--at the least the Twitter feed shows a female--has put together a brilliant piece of criticism of Keith Olbermann. It seems that Olby once again launched into a tirade against the Tea Partiers, calling them racists and segregationists and all that, taking note of their alleged mostly all-white cast. But then Broliath took note of all the guests on the last 10 episodes of "Countdown," discovering that only four out of 46 were non-white. Just four percent! The Tea Parties are more diverse than that, even if, we as we recall, MSNBC tried to hide that fact from viewers last year.
But best of all, Broliath made it into a video, as the 96 percent of guests who were white popped onto the screen, one after the other.
The video, now also on Olbermann Watch, and probably many other places, is worth a look. A really clever and imaginative use of video technology, worthy of Jon Stewart.