Comcast-opus is raising its Internet rates.
As reported by Katy Bachman of Mediaweek, the watchdog/activist group Free Press reacted quickly to the news:
The irony of Comcast's rate hike wasn't lost on Free Press, which pounced on the FCC's failure to inject more competition in the broadband market.
"Almost no one disagrees that the FCC's proposals to increase broadband adoption are very important. But they must be paired with a strong competition policy to drive down constantly increasing prices or else they will struggle to succeed," said Ben Scott, policy director for Free Press.
So The Cable Gamer asks: If Comcast is willing to do this now, before the FCC and the Justice Department approve Comcast's purchase of NBC-Universal, what will Comcast do after the deal is approved? Or to put it another way, will eight tentacles be enough for the Comcast-opus to grasp all our money?
H/T Karl Bode of Broadband/DSL Reports.