AllThingsDigital's Kara Swisher video interviews Michael Jones and Jason Hirschhorn, the new co-presidents of MySpace.
As everyone knows, MySpace was the first social network to get really big, c. 2005-6. And then it lost its way; as Hirschhorn told Swisher, MyS "fell down on innovation." And that can be fatal in a fast-moving world, where Facebook, for example, took a huge lead.
But MySpace has an interesting strategy: Service to musicians and artists. As Hirschhorn said, the duo's goal is "obsessively serving a creative class." Finishing the thought--the two share an office, share a desk, even--Jones added that the goal is to help "new bands, new things." Continuing, Jones said, the further goal is to deliver "a new experience that they've never seen."
A tall order, to be sure.
But Hirschhorn promised "a new kind of interface for the site."
It will be intesting to see what Jones and Hirschhorn come up with. And yes, music is a killer app. But hey, fellas--don't forget politics. You know, showbiz for ugly people!!
But in all seriousness--there are artists all over America, and plenty of them do political art, from writing to songwriting to photoshopping. All of them, too, have something to contribute, something to show off.
Whichever site offers the best place to do that--for all human creativity, and all kinds of creativity--will be the site that the most people go to.