A Cable Game fave, Jeff Bercovici of Daily Finance, caught up with Roger Ailes at the RTCA dinner. It was pretty funny:
During a cocktail reception at the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner last night, I asked Ailes what he thought about Raines's column.
"I started to read it, and he said everybody ought to try to get me or something -- and I said, This poor guy," Ailes told me. "I sort of feel sorry for him. If you get run out of The New York Times, that's as bad as it gets, I think. So you don't want to go after other people. I thought it was kind of a guy sitting in a dark room going crazy because he's not in the game anymore and deciding who's good and who's bad. I don't think that's his place. We all know what his mark on journalism was, so it's not worth talking about."
The image of Raines, howling alone in his room got to me--see above.