Home » » "'John King, USA' Reaches New Low Tuesday Night" -- How do you say, or at least illustrate, "bottomless pit"?

"'John King, USA' Reaches New Low Tuesday Night" -- How do you say, or at least illustrate, "bottomless pit"?

Written By mista sense on Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 8:24 AM

Mediaite's Steve Krakauer notes that on the very day of CNN’s upfront presentation, on Tuesday,  John King was trotted out along with other CNN talent, as the face of the new CNN.  And yet that night, Krak notes, "John King USA" had its lowest-rated night in viewership since its debut.  The Cable Gamer has always liked King, but he is obviously not the person to save CNN.  

Here's the juice:

John King’s new 7pm ET show John King, USA is off to a slow start for CNN, but Tuesday night it reached a new low. With just 391,000 total viewers, it was the first time the program dipped below the 400,000 viewer mark. It was fourth in the hour, and CNN’s lowest hour from 5-11pmET.

H/T to Krak, of course, and also to Gustave Dore, who reminded us what a bottomless pit looks like in his illustrations of Dante's Inferno.

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