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The Obama-ization of the Pentagon?

Written By mista sense on Friday, April 16, 2010 | 9:43 AM

The Cable Gamer will be very interested in further reports as to why DOD access to Foxnews.com was blocked by the Pentagon for a brief period.   After being revealed, the blocking was unblocked.

But was the blockage truly an accident?  Or was it done on purpose?  And if it was purposeful, was it an impulsive act by some underling, or was it part of some larger plan?   What sort of larger plan?  Maybe to remind military personnel that the Pentagon, and thus Rahm Emanuel, knows exactly who is watching what.  If the Net masters at DOD know which sites to block, then it's a safe bet that they also know which surfers to watch, if they want to.

And maybe that was the goal--to send a signal to DOD-ers that Big Barack is watching.  

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