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» Joe Scarborough and the "M" Word--Murder. "Morning Joe" Brought It Up Himself, on Twitter. How Come?
Joe Scarborough and the "M" Word--Murder. "Morning Joe" Brought It Up Himself, on Twitter. How Come?
Written By mista sense on Friday, May 28, 2010 | 1:34 PM
Murder? Murder in the Cable Game? A murderer at MSNBC?
Joe Scarborough just tweeted this, an attack on Markos ("Daily Kos") Moulitsas, although it sure seems like a strange kind of attack. See screen grab above--I have no doubt that MSNBC suits will pull it down as soon as they can, so The Cable Gamer is preserving it here.
Moulitsas does, indeed, regularly mention allegations that Scarborough, once a Republican Congressman from Florida, was connected to the death of Lori Klausutis, an employee in Scarborough's Florida congressional district office, who found dead in that office back in 2001. Scarborough resigned from Congress later that same year. The Cable Gamer, too, has taken note of these events.
Nothing was ever proven, but a decade later, those allegations still swirl around, fanned, seemingly, by Scarborough himself.
So why would Scarborough tweet this allegation out?
Anybody who has read Edgar Allen Poe's classic short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart," might have a theory: If you're guilty, your conscience starts to eat you up.