Steve "The Krak" Krakauer, writing for Mediate, notes that the cable news network that carried the Shirley Sherrod story the most was . . . CNN. That's right: CNN carried the story 63 times on Tuesday, whereas Fox followed with 39.
Krakauer further dissects the sequencing, reminding us, yet again, that the Obama administration forced Sherrod to resign before Fox did anything much with the story. It might have been fear of Fox, of course--as Fox says, it's "The Most Powerful Name in News."
But the fear was in the Obamans. And they are the ones leading the country?
Always fair-minded, Krakauer goes on to apportion the blame within the media--which falls on Andrew Breitbart and the MSM:
It’s beyond a stretch to say Breitbart and FNC were working in tandem, despite the conservative web moguls’ appearances on the network. Breitbart has been everywhere this week – MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC…even Charlie Rose. To group Breitbart with Fox News is to group him with the rest of the mainstream media who gave him a platform.
None of this excuses the ugly attempt to smear Sherrod by Breitbart – and it was a clear attempt, since the text before the original video purposely makes it sound like Sherrod is describing her current role. Even more specious was his explanation (on Hannity and on GMA) behind airing the video – that in presenting Sherrod’s video as he did was somehow retribution for the NAACP resolution regarding the Tea Party and racism.
So there you have it: A sordid story, to be sure, but of all the media players, I'd say that Fox ends up looking the best.
Meanwhile, always the bottom feeder, Keith Olbermann heaped blame on Fox. Olbermann owes Fox an apology, of course, although that won't happen. Olbermann will be fired first. Which, of course, is probably in the cards...