After all, as General David Petraeus, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and many other important leaders have testified, the Quran-burning plan--more precisely, the media circus that was sure to surround the Quran-burning--had serious potential to do harm to US national security. And to jeopardize the lives of American service personnel, in Afghanistan and around the world.
And as writers for TVNewser, the Balitmore Sun, and the Washington Post have reported, it was Fox that took the lead in saying that it, Fox, would do the right thing and not televise Jones' stunt.
Meanwhile, all of Obama's so-called friends in the MSM seemed perfectly happy to cover the Jones/Quran story--indeed, to profit from covering the story, because they would no doubt be selling ads during that time period.
But Fox said "no." Covering this Quran-burning was the wrong thing to do, Fox said, even if it cost Fox eyeballs. Why? Because covering the story--non-story, rally, would fuel the fires of nuttiness, in the US around the world. And Fox's action shamed the rest of the media. Thus there's a decent chance that no Qurans will be burnt on Saturday, and even if they are, there won't be much coverage.
So once again, will Obama call and thank Fox?