TCG will admit that it likes Mel Gibson a lot more than Don Rumsfeld. So we were thrilled to see Sean also score an exclusive interview with the director of "Apocalypto," and, of course, "The Passion of the Christ."
As this video link shows, Sean is a great interviewer: He asks a question, and lets the subject talk. Gibson has his flaws, big flaws, of course. One can simply look at him during this interview and see that he is permanently edgy and jumpy and nervy--full of ideas, full of thoughts. A tortured artist, that's for sure. Maybe that's why his films come out the way they do: full of scenes of torture, from the various "Lethal Weapons," to "Braveheart," to, of course "The Passsion, to now "Apocalypto."
So while the new movie, set in the Mexican jungle 500 years ago, is, indeed, as Gibson and Sean say, a "love story," about "love of family," "love of village," and "love of environment," it's also a violent action movie, featuring some great villains, chewing the scenery--amidst great scenery!
It's about, as Gibson puts it, "good vs. evil ... humanity in its highest and lowest aspects."
Mel added of audiences: "People will react favorably if the story they are being told is compelling." That's true for movies, as Gibson proves, and it's also true for TV, as Hannity proves.