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MSNBC = Manifestly Seeking to Nuzzle the Bi-coastal Crowd

Written By mista sense on Monday, January 8, 2007 | 10:30 PM

If you live in New York City and Los Angeles or San Francisco, or thereabouts, the chances are pretty good that you are loving the new editorial line that's emanating from MSNBC--bicoastal blue-state all the way.

To be sure, there are plenty of conservatives in those parts of the country, albeit nowhere near a majority. But above all else, "bicoastal" is a state of mind: It involves, of course, a certain de rigeur liberalism, combined with a certainly equally chic disdain for ordinary folks in the heartland.

A case in point comes courtesy of Media Matters, the George Soros-inspired lefty media watchdog outfit. MM is a great resource for transcripts and videos, but its analysis is simply not to be trusted. For example, MM chronicled, lovingly, all the Fox News-bashing going on at MSNBC, and got the words right, then got it all wrong at the end when it tried to guide the reader toward a palpably wrong conclusion. Here's what MM posted tonight:

"On the January 8 edition of MSNBC's 'Tucker,' Newsweek senior editor Jonathan Alter compared Fox News' Bill O'Reilly to a 'blimp ... balloon in one of those parades,' adding that O'Reilly is 'so full of himself' and is 'so inflated, it's coming out of his ears.'" That's pretty good analysis, huh? Really gets down to the essence of O'Reilly. One doesn't have to like O'Reilly to insist upon more intelligent commentary than Alter's.

But Alter's ad hominem attacks were good enough for host Tucker Carlson, who had earlier asked Alter what he thought of "the meltdown occurring in public of Bill O'Reilly." Carlson added that fellow MSNBC-er Keith Olbermann, host of "Countdown," has, Carlson's words, "set out to drive Bill O'Reilly crazy, and apparently he's succeeded."

Well that settles that, doesn't it? O'Reilly is crazy because Olbermann made him so. And Carlson provides the proof. Any more questions of the sages at MSNBC?

Just one question, actually, for MM: Why is that you wouldn't know a real conservative if one fell on your head? And proof that MM has no answer to that question comes from its attempted defense against one of O'Reilly's attacks. Quoth MM: "O'Reilly falsely claimed, 'There isn't one conservative ... not one conservative commentator that works for NBC News at this time.'" Well, in TCG's opinion, that's not true: Pat Buchanan is a genuine conservative.

But MM offered an absurd answer: It declared that Carlson and Joe Scarborough are conservatives.

Well, Carlson and Scarborough have a right to think whatever they want, but they certainly don't have the right any more to call themselves conservatives. Those two ex-conservatives (although Carlson was always a wink-wink double dealer) are simply too deep in the tank of MSNBC and Olbermann and all the rest of MSM liberals--you know the folks concentrated in the Northeast and in California--to have any remaining claim on the word "conservative."

And if MM says that they are conservatives, well, that's just MM being a) delusional or b) trying to reassure unsuspecting readers that MSNBC is anything other than what it is: a third-rate, third-place network Manifestly Seeking to Nuzzle the Bi-coastal Crowd.

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