Joe Scarborough has reached a new low. Remember last night when I posted that the MSNBC host was a "conservative"? Tonight, here's what I saw on the show: Scarborough trashing Bill O'Reilly. Then a segment on Barbara Walters vs. Rosie O'Donnell. Then a totally potty mouth woman, Chelsea Handler, who offered leeringly unfunny double entendres to Scarborough.
And oh yes, a long teaser segment on "Warrior Nation"--a new show that's on right now on MSNBC. It's a show about "Ultimate Fighters," and it's not much different than the WWF.
Remember when the "N" in MSNBC stood for "News"? Not anymore. This is just exploititive crap. Now MSNBC is just a platform for tabloid trash. Maybe NBC shareholders are happy, so long as they don't have to watch what's on their air.