Those were the cutting words of a Fox News spokesperson last month, describing the feud between CNN and MSNBC. And now Dan Abrams of MSNBC has accelerated the feud in an interview with Broadcasting & Cable magazine's Anne Becker. Abrams dished on FNC and CNN, taking credit for negative ads he is running on behalf of MSNBC (obviously Abrams is desperate for credit for what he can do, including spending GE's money), and then added,"Now it is a real three-way race out there, particularly between us and CNN. We are beating CNN in the key demographic with some regularity and on extremely important nights as well."
Well, OK, but if one were to decipher the spin, one would rightly conclude that MSNBC is still in third place most of the time.
Note also Abrams' diss-by-omission of Joe Scarborough.
Meanwhile, one wonders what Abrams has to say about Don Imus calling him "a moron," according to The Imus Show Blog.