Here at Sexy Videogameland, I bring you editorials, "clever" humor, fun games and cute pictures, but nobody really gets happy until I write about
the H. It's always about
the H with you people, isn't it? Well, you asked for it--I've started a new column on
GameSetWatch, The Aberrant Gamer, which'll bring you more of the in-depth H-Game reviews you love, plus all other things sexy, creepy, twisted and taboo in our little gaming world. We'll explore the less-treaded crevices of gamer psychology and answer pressing questions-- why do we love these games? Why do people do Kingdom Hearts sex RP on AOL? And why do loli haet pizza?
As of now I'll be updating there weekly, probably Wednesdays-- so check it out! And feel free to email me (leigh_alexander1 AT yahoo DOT com) and share your dark secret.
Killing Samus on purpose Back in the Day in order to ogle her doesn't count--
everyone did that.