OK, you'd figure that a snobby magazine about a snobby college would seek to diss an alum who happens to be the President of the United States, just because that President was a little too red-country to be blue-cool. But you might not expect the purplish--someone in the middle, looking out for ordinary people, and their values--Bill O'Reilly to rank so high.
That's the case with a magazine called 01238, after the zipcode of Harvard University. The mag, playing to its liberal audience, put Al Gore at the top of its list of "most powerful" alumni, bumping George W. Bush to second place. I mean, like, Bush is the commander-in-chief and everything, but what's the presidency next to the starring role in a movie about global warming?
But interestingly, amidst the likes of Bill Gates and Barack Obama , FNC's own O'Reilly turned up, at #24. O'Reilly's ranking is completely justified, of course, but it's still surprising to see it admitted to.
No doubt some of the more liberal readers will demand a recount.