Hi! Hope you all have been having a nice Christmas-to-New Year's celebration. I've been taking some time off, enjoying lying around and doing absolutely nothing at all. Well, I have been playing games, of course -- inebriated Guitar Hero, for one. I've also indulged in my regular habit, which is OCD Harvest Moon. I'm just so pleased with my thriving cow-laden corner of heaven; I've recently made the connection that Warcraft is for some people what HM is to me. You check in, you mess with the land, you get incrementally a little richer and cooler. I can't seem to commit to any of the ladies, though. I married Leia the mermaid only to reload, after having second thoughts. I don't want a girl who lives outside in my duck pond. I want her to shuffle sweetly around my farmhouse and sleep beside me at night. I mean, the sleeping together thing -- that's important, kinda, right?
I must say, Umbrella Chronicles for Wii is a surprisingly fantastic lark for Resident Evil nerds when you have two players. Seems a little brutal in single-player, but a blast for two, and neat to get that continuous concept of the backstory. It's like RE-lite, and ain't nothing wrong with that.
I am also excited to report I was given my coveted Chocobo mug as a Christmas gift! I also got a package of brightly colored Sculpey clay, and made myself a small army of Harvest Moon animals. I can't figure out how to take pictures of them -- they're so tiny -- because the digital camera I got my friend for Christmas (so that I could take pictures of my Sculpey animals, of course) is inscrutable and complicated. I'll figure it out one of these days. Er, I mean, my friend will.