As Cable Gamers know, MSNBC announced yesterday that it is replacing Dan Abrams with Rachel Maddow.
Oh wait! Actually, MSNBC didn't announce this news, Keith Olbermann announced it! As he wrote in his Daily Kos blog, "The network will be formally announcing this tomorrow, but I am pleased to inform you in this fully authorized leak, that as of Monday, September 8, our mutual friend Ms. Maddow will become host of her own show, on MSNBC, at 9 PM Eastern Time."
And Olbermann continued, "Let me answer the key questions in advance." And then he listed 12 answers; some were jokes, but this one was telling:
4) Yes, I had something to do with it.
In the world of media and media relations, making the announcement is a power move. And throwing that little line in there is further proof that Olbermann wants to underscore his clout inside the channel.
And so now we know who runs MSNBC. Or should we call it "ONBC"?