"It occurs to me that John McCain is as intellectually shallow as our current President." So says CNN's Jack Cafferty. He continues:
"Bush goes bumbling along, grinning and spewing moronic one-liners, as though nobody understands what a colossal failure he has been. I fear to the depth of my being that John McCain is just like him."
Now let us ask each other, we Cable Gamers: Is this the beginning of a worthy consideration of politics? Is this the way that sound coverage begins?
It occurs to me that the answer is "no." CNN might bill itself as "Your home for politics," but in fact, CNN is home to Jack Cafferty, who revels in ad hominem insults.
That's not keeping 'em honest, that's keeping political coverage on the low road, where the increasingly bibulous--oops, I meant bilious--Cafferty holds forth every day in what can only be called "Cafferty's Unhappy Hour."
H/T to Brent Baker of Newsbusters.