In years past, TV networks developed their own traditions for covering New Year's Eve. The Cable Gamer can fondly remember, for example, New Year's Eves with Lawrence Welk.
And now CNN is developing its own holiday tradition: New Year's Eve with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin, Just saw a promo for it on its air.
Griffin, of course, is famous as an blue-humor comedian; you can watch her bash Catholics here, and read the Catholic reaction here. Such "humor," of course, gives Griffin a cult following among critics, so naturally she won an Emmy in September 2007. At which time, she once again delivered for her audience, declaring that whereas some recipients thank Jesus for their awards, she was not going to do that. Jesus had nothing to do with her award, she proclaimed. And lest anyone miss her point, she concluded here acceptance speech with, "Suck it, Jesus!"
Soon thereafter, Larry King--how could CNN not have her on to carry its religion-bashing message?--asked her if she had the whole thing planned, she laughed as she answered: "I love it. Larry, I have had the best week of my life. As a comedian, I live for this."
Larry, always quick on the uptake, shot back in his own signature way--by asking the same question again: "So you planned this?"
And Griffin responded, "Of course I planned this!" Regaling Larry further with her achievements, she even volunteered, "Bill O'Reilly called me a 'pinhead'!"a
Griffin will no doubt be admired, among the chattering classes, for her "courage." But of course, if she had really wanted to be courageous, she could have insulted Islam, not Christianity.
And obviously none of this controversy stopped CNN from pairing her with AC on New Year's Eve, 2008--indeed, it probably inspired Jon Klein & Co. Last year was a tasteless yuckathon; according to one threader, "Kathy Griffin is beyond disgusting. Anderson Cooper tried to keep his dignity, but he failed. Water boarding jokes, drag-queens, the kitchen sink."
But evidently, it got good ratings, so AC + KG are back together again. What an Item they are.