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A Pricey Cup Of Joe

Written By mista sense on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 | 9:35 AM

Starbucks Coffee is like, four bucks or something like that, insane considering how relatively cheap coffee itself is as a commodity (and considering how Starbucks tastes like crap -- Dunkin' Donuts for life).

But if we're talking expensive coffee, the priciest is the one served up with the now-infamous 'Hot Coffee' scandal with which Take-Two found itself saddled when a mod unlocked some hidden no-no content. Years of media hype, legal battles and other consequences of the incident's spectre followed.

It was expensive. Really expensive, and that's just adding up the costs we can materially quantify. I took a look at the cost of Hot Coffee in an editorial at Gamasutra today -- and found the real costs go way beyond the monetary.

And they go way beyond Take-Two. The entire industry paid for that one little mini-game, when you think about it. Agree?

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