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Written By mista sense on Thursday, December 10, 2009 | 8:44 AM

Well! I'm certainly busy due to year end-ness, hence the lack of blogging -- I'm working on a few different retrospectives, a feature, an editorial and some reviews. Can 2009 be over yet?

Sincerely, I actually have a lot of fun closing out the year and parsing out the key takeaways, and rest assured you'll see more on this from me soon -- for now, have you been following Gamasutra's Best of 2009? We're doing the same kinds of individual lists that we did last year. Today, Christian Nutt rounds up the year's top business trends -- social games and digital distribution rising, music games declining, and devs getting wiser on how to succeed on iPhone, among others.

Speaking of iPhone, here are the year's top 5 iPhone games as chosen by our mobile editor Danny Cowan. Of the games here, Eliss is actually the only one I've got; I'm such a DS fanatic (whoa, DS beat PS2 in UK, by the way) that I rarely play games on the iPhone. Trism, one of the earliest titles for the platform, is still one of my all-time favorites, and I've gotten my nongamer friends hooked on the colored triangles too.

The only things I play on PC are Flash titles, indie games and interactive fiction -- and on the IF front, the annual IF Comp has chosen its winners, so I know what I'm gonna be doing on my long-awaited holiday break. Fortunately Gamasutra's Chris Remo exists to be our resident PC guru, and he has selected a detailed and well-thought top 10.

From me, the year's top 5 controversies, the news stories that set our tongues wagging the most this year, and that prompted the most discussion and debate. Irony of the year: The commenter who says the controversy over Orson Scott Card's involvement in Shadow Complex doesn't belong on the list -- and then drags out an argument against what he calls the "gay mafia" for some 83 comments. Nope, no controversy there. Silly me!

Incidentally, my pals at the AV Club and I recently assembled a "Top 15 Games of the Decade" list together, by committee. Temporally-congruent installments of my pet franchises -- Metal Gear and Silent Hill -- may be absent, but I think it's a solid list overall. One item with which I'm particularly pleased: I, along with the always-impressive Gus Mastrapa, championed for the inclusion of Vice City as the quintessential Grand Theft Auto, and I explained why:

The Grand Theft Auto series is known for masking clever satires of American culture with gleeful violence, and Vice City, a parody of 1980s Miami, makes the ideal setting for the decadence the series simultaneously idealizes and lampoons. Mafioso in Hawaiian shirts, polyester-clad cocaine lords, and petty moguls form the cast of caricatures the series does so well, populating a world where the excesses of its crime-spree gameplay feel appropriate. GTA’s intelligence is often lost in the hullabaloo over its violence, but Vice City simply asks players to be as absurd as the characters around them, creating a plausible, neon-soaked fiction that’s as funny as it is canny. Rockstar burdened San Andreas with too many disparate activities and rendered GTA IV with inappropriate gravitas, making Vice City the best whole-package showcase of the series’ brilliance.

Anyhow, I've been up to these things and lots more, and hopefully I grab time to keep you guys filled in as it all unfolds. More interesting is the question: Do you really care about year-end lists? Are they fun or annoying?

[header post is the title of a song by Phoenix you can hear here; not coincidentally most music outlets seem to think the 'Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix' album is one of 2009's best.]

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