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"Kathleen Parker Definitely Proven to Drive Away TV Viewers"--now that's a nasty headline!

Written By mista sense on Monday, February 7, 2011 | 6:13 PM

Ouch!  Kathleen Parker, how much more of this are you going to take--especially when you suspect that these stories are being planted by Eliot Spitzer's p.r. minions? 

And it's not just Gawker, it's The Wall Street Journal, sister company to Fox News, arch-rival to CNN, which notes that "'Parker Spitzer' sans 'Parker' is experiencing a renaissance." --see below.

As you can see, Kathleen, Eliot has you outflanked.  You're supposed to be the conservative on the show, and yet Spitzer has the money and the hired guns to reach right around you and plant negative information even in conservative publications such as the WSJ.  Such publications should be your base.   But instead, they are part of Spitzer's swarm against you. 

Welcome to the Big City, Kathleen. 

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