Home » » Keith Olbermann, ever more of a jerk. And have you noticed that Olby is starting to look like Barney Frank? (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Keith Olbermann, ever more of a jerk. And have you noticed that Olby is starting to look like Barney Frank? (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

Written By mista sense on Saturday, April 23, 2011 | 10:43 AM

Mediaite's Tommy Christopher, obviously a glutton for punishment, closely chronicles Keith Olbermann's latest juvenile rantings on the mighty (that was a joke) FOK News Channel

Olby's obsessions are hardly worth worring about anymore, since he is just a guy with a webcam.  Yes, he is slated to take over as "chief news officer" at Current.TV, but at the rate he is going, The Cable Gamer wonders if he will ever get there.

In the meantime, TCG is marveling at the obvious separated-at-birth resemblance between Olbermann and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass), legendary, er, blowhard.    Have a look--here's the pic of Olby, above, plus a picture of Frank.  Frank is two decades older, but as you can see from the side-by-sides below, Olby seems to be gaining on him:

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