I'm loath to admit I was slightly disappointed, actually. Granted, it's a three-minute demo, but seems to me the sense of scale and physics, such as they've been, were pretty diminished. Not much difficulty at all, whereas the thing I've always loved about the sticky little stars is that it really nailed this peripheral kind of sense about the growing mass of the thing you were pushing, and how your size shifted in relationship to objects around you. In this demo, I felt like I was blindly plowing around; could have easily played it with my eyes closed.
Still, that one demo level isn't enough to make a judgment on the game; I'll probably buy it anyway. We <3 Katamari wasn't as good as the first one, but it still provided me hours of glazed-eyed clump-creating joy. And the music in the demo? Freaking awesome.
The thing that really sucks for me, though? Trying to roll up to be a single star in the sky with the 360's controller. That left-stick-higher-than-the-right is ideal for FPS, when you move with the left hand and aim with the right, but for a game like Katamari, I had a cramp on the back of my left hand after just a few minutes; the part of the controller that you hold being pronated and not parallel didn't help either. I've been told by a couple people that this is just me, but anyone else have that problem?