One of the many portals/blogs jumping all over the Keith Kerr story--I call it Kerr-gate, or maybe just Kerrgate--is a blog called Arlington Cardinal, out of suburban Chicago. Welcome to The Cable Game, AC!
Speaking of AC, The Cable Gamer is starting to wonder if the the other AC, Anderson Cooper, didn't play a role in the biased question-selection:
The YouTube video by Keith Kerr in August elicited a flurry of comments in his comment section comparing the gay policy to racism. Most comments are either against gays or against people who think "the government can tell people who they can love."
Anderson Cooper has remained private about his personal life and sexual orientation, but in May 2007, Out magazine ranked him second among "The Most Powerful Gay Men and Women in America."
Indeed, so he was so listed.
Meanwhile, Fred Barnes echoed my argument--that CNN tilted the debate's questions--in the online daily editionof The Weekly Standard:
By my count, of the 30-plus questions, there were 6 on immigration, 3 on guns, 2 on abortion, 2 on gays, and one on whether the candidates believe every word in the Bible. These are exactly the issues, in the view of liberals and many in the media, on which Republicans look particularly unattractive. And there were two questions by African Americans premised loosely on the notion that blacks get nothing from Republicans and have no reason to vote for them.
These questions would better be asked of Democrats at one of their presidential debates.