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Aberrant Gamer's Back!

Written By mista sense on Thursday, August 21, 2008 | 4:27 PM

Now with 10 percent more... aberration? For you newish folk, The Aberrant Gamer is a GameSetWatch column where I analyze offbeat sexual and emotional behavior in games. It ran weekly for a year until I joined Kotaku over the summer. Now that I'm back at Gamasutra, to which GameSetWatch is a sister site, I'm happy to get to bring it back as a biweekly column, hopefully with a bang, and no, that's not a double entendre.

Usually boobs get mentioned, but I try to couch it in, uh, something else not related to boobs.

This week, I take a look at fetishistic character creation systems, primarily Soul Calibur IV's. Put your hand up in the comments if you tried using it (or any other character creator) to design what is, by your standards, the hottest and/or most provocative chick or dude possible for your own personal visual entertainment.

That's -- most of us, right? Wow, if I'm the only one, this is gonna be so embarrassing.

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