MakeThemAccountable is a liberal pro-Hillary Clinton website. But now that Barack Obama looks to be the Democratic nominee, even Hillary Democrats are seeking to warn Obama about the GOP onslaught to come. Perhaps Hilary Dems are in I-told-you-so mode. Perhaps they are legitimately trying to help Obama.
But either way, the cartoon above shows the way that Democrats see "their" network, MSNBC.
Here's the text that accompanied the cartoon--note the reworking of the Obama logo:
So far the pins tossed at the Obama Hot Air Balloon have pretty much bounced off. But wait… The Republican attack machine is formidable and already in the sky. The Republican National Committee has a 1,000 page dossier on Obama, and operatives have reportedly been lurking around Chicago looking deeper into Obama’s past actions and his pals who helped push him up the political ladder… Let’s hope the Democrats come up with a better solution as to who their nominee will be while an alternative is still available. Otherwise…well, my cartoon says it better than I can in words.