Wired magazine was apprently the first to report that a rap group called "East Coast Avengers" has made a song entitled "Kill Bill O'Reilly." And for good measure, the Avengers "sing" about killing Michelle Malkin. The lyrics can be found here.
This is outrageous, of course, and such an open incitement to violence should not be tolerated.
But here are two more points to add:
First, the East Coast Avengers are hosted, if that's the right word, on MySpace, which is owned, of course, by the parent company of Fox, the News Corporation. So much for synergy, at least positive synergy.
Second, the repeated references to "media matters" and the remarkable detail in the lyrics--"Malmedy"-- makes me wonder if these rappers, whoever they are, didn't have some help from someone who obsessively covers O'Reilly. Like, maybe, someone with a, uh, close familiarity with Media Matters?
Just asking.